Thursday, July 11, 2013

Iskandar Johor Mega Ride 2013

The numerous events booming in Johor, Iskandar Johor Mega Ride boasts as the grandest event for 2013, with the main Lucky Draw Prize, a Viva Car, sure to attract quite a number or riders. As for me, its just a chance for me to make up some time and commitment to ride. as long as the trail is good, the jersey is just a bonus.
As usual early morning as at 0500hrs, I've already up and packing my stuff into my car. Reached Kota Iskandar at 0630, only a few riders were at the parking area. Since its still dark, I could not see the registration and starting line, so had to move around to find the place. With only one secrateriate on duty at the registration counter, with several eager riders, I pity the secretariate. After taking my goodies, which is only the jersey and my plate, went to the food court and had my nescafe. Its still early and the flag off is shceduled at 08300hrs. I entered the release area at 0730hrs, so had to wait for one hour in the middle of the  morning sun. its still ok cause there's always friendly fellow riders who loved to kill time by chatting away. hence, new friends though. I'm not looking forward to this jamboree maybe because jamboree is not my thing.Riding with a big crowd, with all kinds of riders, there are those who thinks that they are in a cycling competition, and there are those who ride simply just to tag along with friends.
As the whistle blows, fronts row riders sped off ignoring the instructions earlier not to overtake the saftey car, as it was a roll-off start off. Well, good luck not being hit by other traffic users. Me, as usual, I also sped off trying to keep my cadence. But it only took me to checkpoint 2, then only I started to tuned down my cadence. Sure enough, after checkpoint 2, I started to cramp. Well, of course cramps due to no training and not enough sleep. Its ok, there's a chicken loop, so I took it. but the loop was short and the ride continues to check point 3. Arrived at the finishing line at 1140hrs, with finisher number 910. After a liitle break, I head on home, did not even take my free lunch and did not wait for the lucky draw. Overall, the trail was good, for beginners it is a good trail for speed training. And as for the hard core riders, it will be a boring trail, as there are no technical route whatsoever.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

IPD JBU's First Bike Event

Increasing awareness and interest in cycling has becoming noticeable among government servants. Its a good sign and a good start for cycling community in Johor Bahru. For the first time, Ibu Pejabat Daerah Johor Bahru Utara, also known as IPD JBU, organised a community ride. 
Most of the riders are police personnel which are new to cycling. With free helmets as goodies, definately attracts non-cyclists to join in the fun. As for me, its a joy ride, where friends gets along and have fun. Thats all. Its ok, because the purpose of the ride was to make good public relations with the general public especially the Skudai area. With the suports of the top brass of IPD JBU, I'm sure they will be more active in cycling in the future.

OK, enough with the campaign. Lets talk about the ride itself. Joy Ride. with only 20km covering the area of Taman Tun Ungku Aminah, Skudai, the events sure raises the residents eyebrow. There were only around I think 100-150 riders, but it creates an impression. With non riders participating, sure gives me a giggle when they know now how difficult it was and  the necessity  of  proper riding techniques. Hopefully this will not be their last endevour in cycling.
Our first check point was an old folks home. I really did not catch the name of the home, yup, too busy looking for banana and mineral water I guess. Continue the ride around Taman Ungku Tun Amina or TUTA they called it, I feel like a Rela Personel doing a security patrol or something. But it was fun to ride around housing areas with the police sirens all the way. Sure to wake the neighbours. 
The next check point is at a Dewan in one of the housing area. with speeches all around, then we continue to our last chech point which the Balai Polis TUTA. here we had some lunch. Mee goreng, quite tasty though. Compliments to the catering service. With stomach full, we end our ride back to IPD JBU. after a short goodbye to everybody, we depart ways.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Scorpion Army Aviation 2013 Jamboree

Need to trim thoes abs.
As early as 0530hrs, rise and shine, all geared up for my trip to Kluang. The plan was I am to drive to Kluang with my fellow rider, Bahri. So had to pick him up at his house at Stulang Laut. 
After setting up the Rear Rack and bikes mounted, we head to Kem Mahkota, Kluang, Johor. Took the PLUS hiway as we do not want to be late. Reached Kluang, after a short stop at 7Eleven, we entered into Kem Mahkota. We were among the earliest to arrived, so got my self a good parking spot. 
Met with my Team Mates from Team Mercury. So officially this is my first ride with them since I moved to Johor Bahru. There new members of Team Mercury which I'm not familiar with, that ok, we are riders, that important. The starting line was at a grass landing field, so it was quite a sight. Impressive actually, as many of the riders had the oppurnuty to be in the front line. 
Me and Ismanor, the founder of Team Mercury.
Its good to involve in such a jamboree. All the finishers were given medals imprint with the placing. For me, I only manage the number 762. Its really disappointing to see even beginner riders can overtake me. Its ok, since I suffered some minor cramps on my calf and thigh. The only personal record that I achieved was that I managed not to stop for cancer break or resting. So, this is the first time in my experience riding in jamborees, I did not make any stops. 
Even at the checks points, The marshals manage to put the stickers while I was riding. 
It was after passing check point two that my thigh caught the cramp, so had to pedal slow and crank up granny gear. The good news is there are quite few medical personnel, so thanks for the cramps spray, as I called it. 
It really helps for the next 20 minutes of riding. The trail was a Speed Trail. It was good for beginners to test their endurance, and for those pro and hard core riders, an oppurtunity to metted out theis guts against each others. Annuar Manan, our National Rider was also presence and ride. So you could only guess whats its like at the front line riders. All trying their best to match Annuar Manan. For me, once the cramps came in, I enjoy the ride with an occasional, makan kacang sambil kayuh. I considered my self lucky as I did not suffer any serious injuries that follows from the carmps. 
Towards the finishing, we had to ride again through the grass landing field. Its such a turn off, when you can see the finishing but you cannot sprint to it. The after ride lunch was pretty good. So, had time to enjoy it while watching tje arm-wrestling competition on the stage. After the lucky draw, me and Bahri head back to Johor Bahru. It was a good day and a good Jamboree, or shall we call it Jamborace. Congratulations to the organisor.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Parenthon Ride 2013.

It’s a Fun Ride. Again, I had to indulge myself with a fun ride. Organised by Sekolah Sultan Ismail and Ronda Riadah. I really had not much to say about fun ride, so , briefly, on day ride, I decided to ride from my house at Setanggi. The initial plan was to ride with my fellow rider, Bahri, an old school mate from English College., from his house at Stulang Laut. As It turns out, I’m a bit late in the morning, so had to text Bahri and told him that I’ll be joining him with the rest of the MBJB rider at MBJB building instead. Arrive early, as usual, I’m the first to arrive. We started to ride from MBJB at 0800hrs. And I was there since 0700hrs.  So, the five of us ride to Sekolah Menengah Sultan Ismail, or SSI as it was commonly called. Most of the MBJB riders were begginers. Just started riding a year or two.
Reached SSI around 0830hrs, collect my goodies and wait for the VIP to flag off the riders. The school was holding an event, I’m not sure what, cause I was not concerned with the school events. I’m here just to enjoy the ride.
 Actualy, I’m quite surprised because a school helds a biking event. Too bad it was not my former school though. Maybe I could suggest to the head master. 
Nevertheless, I ride wherever as long as I can enjoy the ride. 
They say it’s the unluckiest number cause never in the history of bike jamborees, the number wins anything. I guess there’s a truth in it. As long as I can remember, in my experience yes, its true. The curse has not been broken yet.  A bit funny though putting on numbered plate on your bike on a fun ride, maybe its more for souveniers. 
VIP flags us of at 0845, a bit late actualy for a morning ride, but then again, is a fun ride. Our first check point was Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Johor Bahru Selatan (IPD JBS). As the founding member of Ronda Riadah is a police officer, we had the oppurnity to use IPD JBS as our check point. After a simple bite of banana and mineral water, we are off. The marshals decided to change the route  as planned earlier. Its ok, as long as the weather is ok today.

here we passed in front of the famous Johor Bahru Zoo. The last time I visited the zoo was during my primary school days. That was the first and last. Maybe I should re-visited, just out of curiosity.
Most of the riders were young age groups. And not many hard core riders. Maybe they were saving energy for tommorow’s jamboree at Kluang. I’m going to Kluang also, but I consider this ride just for fun. No serious ride.  

And yes, everybody seems to be enjoying the ride. With traffic police as our escorts, it sure give us a piece of mind.
As usual, in a fun ride, I like to take videos during the ride, and from the looks of it, I’m the only rider who took video while riding. Its becoming a habit nowadays to video log my ride.  1 km to the finishing, the marshalls decided to spice things a bit. They gather up all the fixie riders and and sets them off to sprint to the finish. It sure made the kids jubilate           

For me, the ride was not even sweat breaking at all. Mostly because we were riding at a slow pace, and had few stops to wait for the last group of riders. Well, they are begginners. Its ok. As long as they have the enthusiasm to ride, its ok    
    Have to wait for the lucky draw, cause I was planning to ride back with the MBJB riders and my next destination will be the food court at Wadi Hana to meet my wife for lunch, and from thereon, my bike will enjoy the comfort of the car’s boot. The lucky draw I had a close call, as Bahri pulled out the number 002, what a luck. Missed by a digit. The main prize was a fixie bike. Left SSI after the lucky draw and we ride back to MBJB.  Reached MBJB and we depart from there.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

House to Kampung Tanjung Langsat.

Kampung Tanjung Langsat, Pasir Gudang. Another favourite ride destination among JB Riders. Before the ride me and my wife went her for the seafood. qiute good actualy. well, its not that don't  like seafood, its just nowadays its been quite frequent. Need to take a break from it. Ok, back to my ride. Started off at my house at 0900hrs, after havong breakfast with my wife. she went of to work (saturday, that is) and I had my day cycling. from Setanggi, took the Tebrau and left to Permas Jaya. So this is the first time that I ride at the new hiwa, The Permas Jaya - Pasir Gudang Pantai Hiway. Its good that the authorities still allow riders at this hiway while its still less congested. My prediction ist that this particular hiway will be the main route to Pasir Gudang. 

It only takes me 16km from my house to reach pasir Gudang. Stop at in front of the TM building for a cancer brake and for some shades. Yes, its getting hot this morning. passing through Pasir Gudang as I ride to Kampung Pasir Putih, the route is a bit harsh as traffic was mainly consist of lorries. so had to cover my face with my buff. A bit tricky cause I'm not familiar with Pasir Gudang area, so had to rel mostly on signboards to Kampung Tanjung Langsat. Did not noticed any other fellow riders though. 

Reached Kampung Tanjung Langsat around 1100hrs. stopped at a local warong for a cool Milo Ais, and rest for 30 minutes. Then continue to ride and explore the local color. Met Pak Daud,  He used to ride at his young age, As conversation gets more interesting, found out Pak Daud had an olskool Colhago Road Bike stashed at his house. Being a rider during the days, Pak Daud knows to appreciate the passion. 
Looking at tje sky, it does not show any signs of rain, so decided to ride back during the hot sun. Had no choice, had to ride in the hot sun. From Kampung Langsat to pasir Putih had to bear the hot sun. Take a stop at Pasir Putih to cool down.Continuing along Pasir Gudang Industrialo areas, the normal traffic of lorries. 
It was when I entered the Permas Jaya- Pasir Gudang Hiway,  my body tempreature heats up andI'm beginning to feel a bit dizzy. That a sure sign of dehydration. Had to stop at a Shell petrol station just before Senibong Cove to hide myself from the sun. It took me half an hour, until I finally decide to end my ride for the day. So call my wife and asked her to pick me up. It took her 45minutes to arrive, and I pack up my bike into the car and drove back home. Well, better to be safe than sorry, I would definately succumb into fever if I continue the ride home. 
With no shades around, and the sky is still bright clear, with no heavy clouds around. Like I always say, there's always an excuse for me to ride again to finish is up next time, and this time, I will be more prepared for the route. 
Overall, the route was good, with hiway and nice and easy traffic along Pasir Putih to Kampung Langsat, I would say this route would be one of my favorites. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gelang Patah to Kampung Pendas, Johor.

Pagi bangun lambat plak, kol 0800hrs baru bangun.  Dah la bangun lambat, cam malas gak ler nak kayuh. Hari ni sabtu, kalau tak kayuh, dok umah kang layan baring ngan tidur jer ler, so baik gi kayuh jer ler. So tukar plan ler, Hantar wife kat tempat keje, pastu gua drive gi Gelang Patah ler.  Plan asal gua nak kayuh dari umah jer, abih dah lambat, so gagal ler kayuh dari umah, kira gagal ler. So siap, lepas, pastu breakfast kat Kakak Lontong, settle gerak gi Pekan Gelang Patah. Kira cam bosan gak nak kayuh ni, tapi redah gakler. Park kete kat Kedai mamak Awana, minum jap, pastu setting basikal. 
Kol 1115hrs baru start kayuh. Cuaca panas la jugak ari ni, so kayuh rilek gakler. Distance bukannyer jauh pun. Dari pekan, ikut Route J4, pastu sampai Kompleks kastam, belok kiri, ikut jalan kampung plak.  Kalau tak masuk simpang kampung, buat full loop. Maybe next ride gua buat full loop..
Berhenti jap kat R&R Gelang Patah, kena air kelapa dulu ler, Panas ni. Kena air kelapa orait ler. Sampai kat R&R baru 8km jer pun. Kira half way gakler. So next route jalan kampung takler panas sangat. Lalu sebelah pagar Kompleks Kastam.
Sanpai Kampung Pendas Laut, rilek jap dulu ler, kena nescafe O ais. Ride seorang ni kira okler takler nak tunggu rider lain. Agak-agak ilang penat, sambung kayuh balik ler. Kira balik dah redup sikit ok ler sikit. Ada takder pun berhenti jap pasal azan jer pun. Sampai pekan Gelang Patah, rilek dulu lagi kat Kedai Awana. Kat kedai ada wifi so bule ler upload gambar sikit. Settle gerak, ondaway balik ujan lebat la jugak, kira nasib bauk gakler gua tak tunggu sampai petang, kalau tak sure balik kayuh redah ujan.  So total distance ride pun baru 30km jer pun.

Kalau nak ikutkan takler berbaloi kayuh pagi, tapi takper ler. Lain kali jer ler. Dari langsung tak kayuh. Dah la minggu depan gua banyak event. So kena ler start serius kayuh baik Kalau nak ikutkan memang ler ari ni punyer kayuh tak berbaloi sangat pasal 30km jer, dari tak kayuh langsung, kira okler, dari tak kayuh lansung, dok umah layan bantal, baik ler gua gi kayuh.