The numerous events booming in Johor, Iskandar Johor Mega Ride boasts as the grandest event for 2013, with the main Lucky Draw Prize, a Viva Car, sure to attract quite a number or riders. As for me, its just a chance for me to make up some time and commitment to ride. as long as the trail is good, the jersey is just a bonus.
As usual early morning as at 0500hrs, I've already up and packing my stuff into my car. Reached Kota Iskandar at 0630, only a few riders were at the parking area. Since its still dark, I could not see the registration and starting line, so had to move around to find the place. With only one secrateriate on duty at the registration counter, with several eager riders, I pity the secretariate. After taking my goodies, which is only the jersey and my plate, went to the food court and had my nescafe. Its still early and the flag off is shceduled at 08300hrs. I entered the release area at 0730hrs, so had to wait for one hour in the middle of the morning sun. its still ok cause there's always friendly fellow riders who loved to kill time by chatting away. hence, new friends though. I'm not looking forward to this jamboree maybe because jamboree is not my thing.Riding with a big crowd, with all kinds of riders, there are those who thinks that they are in a cycling competition, and there are those who ride simply just to tag along with friends.
As the whistle blows, fronts row riders sped off ignoring the instructions earlier not to overtake the saftey car, as it was a roll-off start off. Well, good luck not being hit by other traffic users. Me, as usual, I also sped off trying to keep my cadence. But it only took me to checkpoint 2, then only I started to tuned down my cadence. Sure enough, after checkpoint 2, I started to cramp. Well, of course cramps due to no training and not enough sleep. Its ok, there's a chicken loop, so I took it. but the loop was short and the ride continues to check point 3. Arrived at the finishing line at 1140hrs, with finisher number 910. After a liitle break, I head on home, did not even take my free lunch and did not wait for the lucky draw. Overall, the trail was good, for beginners it is a good trail for speed training. And as for the hard core riders, it will be a boring trail, as there are no technical route whatsoever.
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